NCLS Research have been running surveys in churches and in the wider community for over 30 years.
With our world class research, we serve many organisations, including churches, schools, community agencies and services. We can tailor a survey for your organisation.
Our clients include more than 20 Christian denominations in Australia and overseas, with our most recent surveys being commissioned by:
The Netherlands Church Life Survey
CLS- Southern Africa
Presbyterian NSW Leaders Survey
Australian Christian Churches Census
Contact NCLS Research to find out how we can help design a survey to meet your research needs. We can provide bespoke design of research questions and projects with world class skill.
Contact us for a quote.
Our suite of surveys include:
Discover valuable insights about your church community through a Church Life Survey. The survey takes only 20 minutes, is simple to run and provides an effective way to assess your health, discover and build on your strengths, and determine your future priorities and directions.
Church Life SurveysA survey to understand the spiritual beliefs, attitudes and practices of your students and the impact of your school.
Student Spiritual Life SurveyThe Local Community Survey is for people who are connected with the church, but don't regularly attend worship services or Mass, e.g. playgroup attendees, youth group parents, Op Shop customers etc. It is designed to learn about the views and practices of people in the community (beyond regular attenders) and help a church to strengthen their connections with the wider community.
Local Community SurveyAustralian Community Surveys have been conducted over decades. Goals are to compare the attitudes of church attenders and the wider community on a range of social issues, to track religiousness trends over time and to evaluate how the Australian community views the role of churches in society.
Australian Community SurveysThe 2021 National Church Life Survey was the seventh wave of the five-yearly NCLS .
2021 NCLSNCLS Research runs the 5 yearly ‘National Church Life Survey’. Involving hundreds of thousands of churchgoers and thousands of churches and leaders, across more than 20 denominations each cycle, the Australian NCLS is the largest longitudinal study of church life in the world.
National Church Life Surveys