Local Community Surveys

Understand the people of your local community, their views, wellbeing and spirituality.

Understand the people of your local community better. Responses to our online survey reveal how people from your local area view church, faith and community needs.

In only 10 minutes, people from your local community complete a survey online that give you insights into who they are and what is important to them. Reveal opportunities for connection and how your church can be part of the fabric of your neighbourhood.


Be informed and equipped

The Local Community Survey has been designed for churches to explore what people within their local community know and experience of their church and explore what they see as needs in their neighbourhood. Perfect to get to know people connected with activities at church, but not regularly attending worship services. Learn about the views and practices of people in the community and discover their needs, hopes and desires for their community.

Churches that run the survey receive a report across 5 key areas:


1. Neighbourhood

About the neighbourhood: Levels of satisfaction, whether people help each other and how churches can make a useful contribution

2. Wellbeing

Wellbeing: Overall wellbeing, levels and sources of stress, and support networks

3. Church Connections

Church connections: Points of connection with churches, history of attendance at church services in person or online and likelihood to recommend this church to others

4. Spiritual Identity

Spiritual/religious identity and practices and interest in spiritual resources from church

5. Demographics

Demographics of participants: Age, gender, education and ethnicity

View a sample Local Community Survey Report



How does it run?

Churches are given a unique QR code and web link that they share with people in their community to take part in the survey. The survey is anonymous and confidential. We do not collect any personal information on those who participate.


When can we do the survey?

Anytime. When you have ordered your survey, your church will receive everything needed to run the survey. We recommend the survey is done over 2-4 weeks to allow time for people to respond. Once the survey has been released, the survey coordinator can track how many responses have been received. When your survey period has ended, the online survey report will be available within 2 business days.


How much?

It costs $200 (+G.S.T.) to run the survey and receive the pdf report regardless of the number of participants.

Ready to survey
your local community?




Got questions? Contact us and one of our team will be in touch




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