
Get ready to run a Church Life Survey at your church

Resource Type: Article

Topics: run a cls church life survey 5 steps


Get ready to run a Church Life Survey at your church

Before holding a Church Life Survey at your church, we recommend that you share the purpose of the survey with your church. Affirm the value of the everyone’s contribution to build a sense of group ownership. 

Choose the best date for your church, either a survey day or a survey period, and notify your church of the chosen survey date(s). Determine the best way for your church to complete surveys, using paper or online options.

A Survey Kit will be provided to your church to help you coordinate the survey. The Survey Kit includes a range of surveys, along with a Guide for the person coordinating the survey at the church and Site Instructions for completing the survey forms on the chosen survey day(s) at each site.

To begin:

Then prepare your church:


  1. Notify your church of WHEN and HOW you will hold the survey

  2. Share the purpose of the survey and invite people's involvement

  3. Consider goals for the survey at your church

  4. Look over your Survey Kit


1. Notify your church of WHEN and HOW you will hold the survey

Let your church attenders know WHEN you plan to hold the survey, either a survey week or a survey period. 

A poster template is available for use (see below). You might also choose to inform them of HOW you might hold the survey e.g. face to face during a worship service or Mass, or together online during a streamed service.

Survey options including paper and online, or both are outlined in the Administer phase.

2. Share the purpose of the survey

Share the purpose of the Church Life Survey with your congregation and invite their participation.

Affirm the value of the everyone’s contribution to build a sense of group ownership. Every survey form represents the voice of a church attender, leader or child. The survey listens to their thoughts, opinions and experiences of church life. It is designed to be a positive, inclusive process to reflect on ministry and mission together and to help equip leaders to build for the future. 

3. Consider goals for how you might best use the survey process at your church

With your leadership team, consider your church's readiness to engage the survey process and determine some goals.

The survey is designed to listen to your churchgoers and help you evaluate your church's health and vitality in a positive process. It helps your church to identify and build on your strengths for the future.

Read Local Church Stories to see how other churches use the NCLS process.

View our suggested 5 steps process to help you get the most out of the survey experience at your church.

4. Look over your Survey Kit

  • Read the Guide and Site Instructions for guidelines on how best to run the survey at your church.
  • Check you have the correct number of surveys ordered.
  • Find your Church Code needed to complete your survey forms.
View Survey Kit Contents

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