Decide on action steps in response to results. Determine goals then pursue them.
Resource Type: Article
Topics: church life survey church life profile after the survey 2021 ncls act 5 steps
Churches can use their survey feedback to have more meaningful conversations and make informed decisions, with evidence to back up choices and directions. Churches can form an action plan that empowers attenders to contribute their gifts and skills and move to action together.
Facilitate a short celebration to affirm the people of your church and their strengths. Suitable for any church.
A Short Session is available to help your church reflect and celebrate: Short Session
Facilitate a time of reflection to engage your results and move to action. A range of planning process options are provided in the Church Life Survey Workbook, or choose another process, to allow churchgoers to review the findings and develop a response.
Invite all church attenders or a selected task group to undertake the chosen process of planning or setting a vision. Encourage all church attenders to get involved in pursuing the church's goal or vision and moving to action.
Planning Processes are available to help your church plan for the future: Reflection Action Planning Process; and a Comprehensive Planning Process.
The Church Life Survey Workbook provides ways to evaluate and reflect on your results including:
A free 1 hour workshop to make the most of your results
So your church completed the National Church Life Survey and you want to know more?
This free 1 hour webinar guides you through your Church Life Profile of results, with tips for using your results to inform your ministry. As well, discover our latest findings on church health and effective leadership in a COVID impacted world.
Be inspired by what other churches are doing.
Webinar: Make the Most of your ResultsAfter moving to action, review regularly to track progress and keep attenders engaged and involved in the process over time. This can be done by completing a Church Life Survey at any time in the future, at regular intervals.
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Evaluate, communicate and act on your results
Church Life Packs have been mailed to participating churches
Practical processes to make best use of your Church Life Survey results