NCLS Research is a world leader in research focused on connecting churches and their communities. Decades of rigorous and thoughtful research has examined wellbeing, spirituality and church health. Our vision is for thriving Christian communities understanding their role and mission within a changing society.

Local Churches:
A new suite of survey tools available at any time

The Student Spiritual Life Survey is available now and for 2025!
Latest Research Findings
More Gen Z men find meaning in Christianity
The long-term research evidence is that women tend to be more religious than men. So, when it was reported in September 2024 in the NY Times that “In a First Among Christians, Young Men Are More Religious Than Young Women”, NCLS researchers used data from our annual Australian Community Survey to check if that trend exists in Australia.
The faith profile of child church attenders
In the 2021 NCLS, child church attenders were invited to share their perspectives on faith, belief and church. Some nine in 10 child church attenders say they believe God exists and eight in 10 would describe themselves as a Christian. In addition, some nine in 10 children speak positively about God or Jesus, and 3 in 4 children agree the Bible and prayer are helpful.
People of influence in children's faith formation
As part of our Child Survey in the 2021 National Church Life Survey, children were asked about family activities of faith, as well as people who are good role models or examples of the Christian faith. Children's responses reveal patterns in parents' church attendance and whether anyone in their family does faith practices with them. Mothers continue to top the list of the family members who are good examples of people who follow Jesus.
A third of Australians open to invitation to church at Christmas
As Christmas approaches, many Christians might want to share this time with their loved ones. Some may feel unsure about how an invitation to church would be received by their family or friends. So, how many Australians, if asked, would attend a church service at Christmas time?
Latest News and Features
NCLS Research is pleased to launch a new range of survey tools for local churches

Innovation in Church Life: Watch Now
Free webinar exploring new church plants, initiatives and gatherings around Australia
We're delighted to invite you to view a free webinar where we launch the results of our first 'New Churches Snapshot Report for 2024', as well as present our latest research findings on innovation in church life. Sponsored by Baptist Financial Services and Exponential Australia.
Do you know about a church plant or new gathering?
Share with others in the New Churches Project!
Can you contribute to the New Churches Project which aims to support the Australian Church to invest in new churches or gatherings?
Student Spiritual Life Survey
A survey to understand the spiritual beliefs, attitudes and practices of your students and the impact of your school
Understand the spiritual beliefs, attitudes and practices of your students and the impact of your school activities on their faith. Developed by NCLS Research, this survey is based on more than 30 years of experience in world-class research into faith, church life and spirituality.
Church Life Survey
Anytime, any church can order a Church Life Survey!
You can discover valuable insights about your church through a Church Life Survey anytime.
It is simple to run, and in only 20 minutes, enables your church to assess your church health, discover and build on your strengths, and determine priorities and future directions.
Additional Resources